Page 22 - SpringSummerNL21
P. 22

We are very grateful to many supporters who
                   How you can        work hard throughout the year fundraising
                    help GIN          for GIN but we are always in need of more
                                     helpers.  If you feel you can organize an event,
                                  have a table at a car boot sale, organise a street /
                            store collection, sponsored walk, when such events can
                           be booked, please contact us.  We can provide literature
                           to display.

                    We can promote these events on our main charity website,
                    Facebook and Twitter pages and do mailshots to supporters in
                    the area to encourage support.

                    These events are very important for the charity as they not only
                    raise much needed funds but they raise awareness of our work
       and the plight of the galgos. It is also good for the charity to have new
       members join us, often after they have picked up literature at an event they
       want to help,  and some people have gone on to adopt one of our galgos.

                              Sponsored events can be added to our JustGiving site
                                making it easier for people to sponsor on-line

                Our Facebook page receives many “likes”  and this has also led to
                home offers for our dogs.   Events can be placed on there to attract
                more visitors/sponsors.   If you have time please visit and “like us”
                You can add photos and news of your own dogs on here and message
                other greyhound and galgo owners, exchanging ideas and offering
               help/advice to new and potential adopters.

                 Our Twitter account is also growing in followers.   Please visit to read
                our news and retweet our messages to help spread the word.

                                     We are also on Instagram


                 Visit our on-line shop and treat yourself or your four legged friend

        Please continue to send us your used British and foreign stamps as these
         are sorted and sold in special packs on the internet.    Also if you have
          any unwanted silver or gold jewellery—even if broken, or foreign coins
         please send these along to us as funds can be raised from these items.

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