Page 19 - SpringSummerNL21
P. 19

Our new website

      Lockdown has also given us the opportunity to work on a new
      website for the charity,  Web designers, Sam and Mark, have
      also re-designed our main site, this was long overdue, and it now
      has many new features.

      We will, as before, keep our site up to date with news and on the
      home page you can see we now have a blog and our latest news
      will be put on there. We will also add details of any events we
      may be able to book later in the year.

      We hope you will take a look at the site and find navigation
      around the various sections much easier.   We would appreciate
      any feedback.

      We are always pleased to receive photos of your homed galgos
      and greyhounds and like to add these to the Homing Gallery on
      the site plus every year we have our GIN Calendar and always
      need photos for this.

      Please visit—


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