Page 22 - AutumnWinterNL23
P. 22


                       Rosie 12/4/2009 - 18/7/2023

        How do you put into words the joy a little blue greyhound we named
        Rosie can bring into your life, and similarly, the heartache it causes
        when they leave it!!
        I was shown a headshot of her at a charity greyhound show, and told a
        bit about her. She was in Galway SPCA, having had her 8 litters, the
        max  allowed and being 9 and a half yrs now. Her pups from the 1st 7
        litters had won 38000 euros for their owners!! She sounded perfect, and
        having lost 2 dogs, a greyhound and a galgo, before their 9th birthday
        to cancer, I wanted our next to have got past their 9th birthday. I picked
        her up from Lymm services. Cheshire, on a Bank Holiday Saturday
        morning about 7.40am and brought her home. She quickly settled in
        and was clean from day 1. She loved to lay down with her front legs crossed, looking around her with a
        superior gaze!!
        She made the first of 5 trips lasting between 5 and 7 weeks each, to our house in Spain, just 6wks after
        coming to us. I think it was on the Eurostar the 1st time, but she also went on the ferry to Northern Spain
        sometimes. She stayed in hotels en route, taking everything in her stride and never causing any bother.
        She also accompanied us 4 times in our little  motorhome to sites in England and Wales, would have
        been many more but for Covid!! It was the last trip in the motor home at the beginning of July, that she
        had some sort of "turn" that she never fully recovered from. She'd had a mini stroke last October and we
        thought then that the vet would say to let her go, but no, she said we should give her a chance and she
        made a 90% recovery and lived on happily for 9 mths.
        She loved her walks in our local woods, fields and the park, where she met her chums, both 2 and 4
        legged. She got on with every size and breed of dog, That is what I miss the most, the walks. It was only
        on her last day, when her back legs went suddenly, that she didn't have her walk. We were out in all
        weathers, sun, rain, ice and snow. It didn't matter, as long as she could go out, she was happy. She will
        be running free now with Lily and Drak, who I'm sure would have met at the Rainbow bridge. I wonder
        who wins the most? Life is really hard without her, but we had 5 wonderful years with her. She was a
        great ambassador for the breed.
        Rest in peace our gorgeous girl.
        Pat and Ian. Liverpool
                                                  ara 04.12.2013 – 03.07.2023
        We are sorry to have to let you know that we have had to say goodbye to Tamara, our beautiful black
        galgo. Tamara was the first dog we adopted from GIN. She came in a spring batch and was still wearing
        her travel label when we first saw her, she immediately chose Bill.
        She was very loyal and full of fun. In mid June she became very lethargic
        and was eventually diagnosed with Sand Fly disease. There being no
        treatment in this country, it took a while to get the appropriate medication
        from Europe. She had tablets every day and seemed to cope well.
        Suddenly in July of this year she became aggressive to Maggie (Shiva)
        our other galgo and the vets decided that the disease has spread to her
        brain and there was now only one decision to be made. She was put to
        sleep on 03.07.2023.
        So sadly missed.
        Bill & Kath. Sussex
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