Page 30 - AutumnWinterNL20
P. 30

News from Cheshire and the North West

      Hello again everyone,

      We hope that you are all safe and well and that your dogs have enjoyed
      the additional time they have been able to share with you during these
      unprecedented times.

      For all of us, I'm sure that being able to walk our dogs as part of our daily
      routines helped to maintain some kind of normality during the early days of the
      lockdown when none of us had any idea of how long it would last.

      We cannot believe that six months have passed since writing our last piece for
      the newsletter. We tried to be optimistic as we looked ahead to the summer
      and autumn months which we usually spend meeting up with our friends and
      volunteers whilst helping to fundraise for GIN. We have not been able to meet
      up with many of them since the end of last year.

      Sadly, all fundraising and dog walking events have had to be put on hold and
      there seems to be very little prospect of their being authorised any time soon,
      especially for us here in the North West. We had hoped to be able to fundraise
      in Cleveleys on September 12 , fortunately the Local Authority who issue the
      licences have been very sympathetic and have told us that we can have new
      dates when the restrictions are eventually eased.

      We will keep you posted on the GIN website and Facebook pages when we are
      eventually given the go ahead to organise our events.

      We have had some sad news during the summer.  Sheila and Mike had to say a
      very difficult goodbye to their lovely greyhound girl, Missy, who was a very
      welcome visitor to many of our events, especially at Marbury and Cleveleys.
      Helen and Nigel were devastated to lose Red, a handsome black greyhound, who
      had become a valued companion to Nigel during his retirement.

      The last few months have given us an opportunity to remember many of the
      happier times and wonderful memories we have enjoyed during the thirteen
      years we have been volunteering for GIN.

      We have always had brilliant support from all the staff at GIN HQ as well as
      from the Trustees and of course our volunteers. Here are some of our
      memories of both the people and the dogs we have met along the way.

                      UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS
                                                                    Thank you

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