Page 19 - AutumnWinterNL20
P. 19

Valentine left the kennels with     Africa was next to leave and she is
        Rosella and he is now getting used   now enjoying life with Bali and her
        to his new life in London and gaining   family in Gloucestershire.
        confidence by copying his new
        greyhound friend.

                              Mike has gone to live with Georgina and family in
                              Oxfordshire.  He is spending some of his time at
                              work with Georgina and some time living on a boat.

       The following galgos should soon be settling in their new homes as kennel
             visits are taking place at the time of writing this newsletter.
                            Bob is approx. 2 years old.
                            He was rescued from the
                            streets in a very poor
                            condition. He had many
                            sores. He has really come
                            round and is now a lovely
                            big bouncy, playful, boy who
                            enjoys treats and hugs.

       Sidney is approx. 2 years old. He was caught on
       the streets with another galgo during the shut
       down due to the coronavirus situation. He is a
       lovely dog with a wonderful personality.

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