Page 4 - SpringSummerNL22
P. 4

News Update

      Dear Friends,

      We hope you will enjoy reading this newsletter
      and catch up on our work over the last 6 months.
      We feel that we are getting back to normal
      in the office now and it is nice to be looking
      forward to our next group of galgos, including
      Ady (right) arriving soon —more details on pages
      18-19.   We are all getting excited to meet them
      and are grateful to local supporter Sue who will
      be able to help again with their homing.

      We are also pleased to be able to fund some
      projects in Spain that have been on hold due to
      the pandemic—more news on pages 12-16.

      We would like to thank everyone who took part in our Christmas raffle, this
      was the first time we have organised a raffle at Christmas and it proved
      popular.  Our Trustee, Geraldine Jones, kindly drew the winning ticket for us,
      and Mr Chivers in Surrey was the lucky winner of a luxury hamper.

      Our Christmas treats appeal is always popular
      and this raised £1,800.  The shelters have
      asked me to thank you all for your kind
      donations which provided many galgos with
      some extra special treats at Christmas time.

      The caption competition in our last newsletter
      was also popular and we had many giggles in the
      office when we opened the post—thank you to
      everyone who took part, we will look out for
      more photos to include in our next newsletter
      as many of you have asked about this.

                    In this newsletter we enclose
                    a competition for children—a
                    word search which is one of the   The Galgos have found
                    resources on our education              the treats !
                    website.  These are available in
                    English and Spanish and can be
                    downloaded from the site.

                    The prize will be one of our new water
                    bottles (photo left).

      Please take a look at our new Spanish website by scanning
      the QR code on the right.

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