Page 31 - SpringSummerNL22
P. 31

Last October Trish was able to come with us when
     we spent a wonderful few days in Scotland and
     Northumberland visiting our friend and fellow
     volunteer Carol together with her four dogs. Carol
     has moved to a beautiful area of the Highlands
     which is doggy heaven for her galgos and podencos.
     She had spent a week with us in Cornwall before
     relocating to Scotland.

     Sadly we have learnt of the passing of one of our
     lovely friends, Tony, in July last year. He has left
     behind his wife Sandra together with his children
     and grand-children who miss him terribly as does        Trish and Sue
     George the greyhound. We will never forget Tony
     and Sam, the first greyhound we homed with the family. Sam used to enjoy going
     with his dad to the local pub in the evening. Sam soon became a well known
     character in the Stalybridge area where they lived.

     We have also heard of the passing of several of our four legged greyhound
     friends over the last few months;   Barry and Janice lost their nearly fourteen
     year old boy, Eddie in October last year. Eddie is much missed by Barry, Janice
     and their new greyhound girl, Lucy. Lucy is named after our little black greyhound
     Lucy, who came with us when we completed their original home check. Our Lucy
     made a big impression on Barry and Janice and they often reminisce about how
     she ran around  like a whirlwind in the garden and upstairs of their house. Happily
     they were not put off adopting greyhounds and lurchers and we have remained
     good friends ever since. Barry and Janice have also become loyal supporters of
     Greyhounds in Need and other greyhound charities.

     We lost two more greyhound friends in November 2021. Sandra and her family
     were devastated to lose Tom, who had reached the age of twelve years in
     September. Tom was a stalwart of our fundraising team and we all miss him very

     Caron was heartbroken to lose Kiddo, who was only eight. He passed away very
     suddenly on a walk whilst he was out enjoying  his favourite pastime of chasing
     (but never catching) squirrels.

     Early in January of 2022, we heard that Natalie, who was also one of our regular
     volunteers, together with her lovely owner Stephen, had lost her battle with bone
     cancer at the age of twelve.

     All of these dogs had enjoyed very happy lives and are sadly missed.

     On a positive note, we look forward to meeting up with many of you at our social
     dog walks and fundraising events later in the year. Look out for details  on the
     Greyhounds in Need Facebook page.

     Enjoy your spring and summer,
                                            Sue, Phil and Trish, Volunteers, Greyhounds in Need

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