Page 17 - SpringSummerNL20
P. 17

Arca de Noe have their own veterinary      After a recent school visit
      clinic in the town and the profits from    Jisseth, who runs the
      this help fund the shelter.  The initial   education programme in
      veterinary costs for a galgo there are     Albacete,
      around €150-170.  Prices for veterinary  wrote to us
      costs vary in Spain.  Food, additional     to say she
      treatment, operations, dentals, are all    was very
      additional costs they have to find.        touched that
                                                 a girl, who
                                                 was a pupil
      We continue to support Arca de Noe         at the
      as we do other shelters in Spain. With     school, had
      most of the shelters we help now           baked cookies for the galgos.
      dealing with record numbers of dogs
      and no possibilities for moving them to    The school had also organised
      homes yet they need our help even          a collection
      more.                                      for blankets
                                                 and food for
      We are currently working on sending        the Arca de
      more donations to some of these            Noe shelter.

      shelters—food, dog treats, medicines,      It is acts of
      coats etc.  We are also offering some      kindness like
      help towards their food costs during       this that
      this difficult time.                       give us all
                                                 hope that
      If you would like to help us with this     the younger
      support please donate to GIN, quoting:-    generation
                                                 will be kind
               “FOOD FOR GALGOS”                 and
      Donations can be made on-line via -        animals.

      Cheques and postal orders, payable to
      Greyhounds in Need, can be sent straight
      to us at :-

         Greyhounds in Need CIO,
       5A, 80 High Street, Egham,
           Surrey, TW20 9HE.

        Donations can also be made
             over the phone—
              01784 483206

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