Page 10 - SpringSummerNL20
P. 10

Visit to SOS Galgos, Barcelona

     One windy day in February, two of GIN’s Trustees, Leigh, who is the Charity
     vet and myself, set off to visit SOS Galgos Barcelona, a charity which is run
     by Anna and her team.

     Anna and a pretty, (soon to be rehomed) galga met
     us at Barcelona Airport and took us to the office
     and clinic where Alberto, SOS Galgos’ vet, carries
     out any operations or treatment necessary for the
     galgos. This allowed everyone to talk about the
     Charity’s work and future projects and also for
     Leigh and Alberto to have a “vets’ chat”.

     We also met galga, Bonny, who is currently being
     fostered until her adoption by Diana later this year.
     We had the opportunity to have a walk with Bonny to
     see how well she is becoming accustomed to people
     and a loving environment and it was lovely to see so
     many more Spanish people enjoying a walk in the           Bonny
     sunshine together with their dogs.

                                     Next day, we visited the kennels in the
                                     Barcelona area where SOS Galgos has galgos
                                     ahead of rehoming.

                                     The galgos rehomed by the Charity are
                                     usually found abandoned in the Seville area
                                     and rescued by volunteers or members of the
                                     public who take them to kennels, who help
                                     SOS Galgos, where they are given initial care
                                     and treatment.

                                     Once the galgos have recovered and are
                                     ready for fostering or rehoming, eight at a
                                     time are brought up to the kennels in the
                                     Barcelona area.

                                     Every month GIN sponsors the eight galgos’
                                     kennelling in Barcelona and the transport
                                     from Seville to Barcelona, which enables
                                     SOS Galgos to rescue even more galgos.

                                     The galgos in kennels were AILA, her sister
                                     ELLEN, BEN, LORI and PEPON. TEDDY and
                                     BEAR just wanted to stay in their igloo
       Christine (left),Leigh & Anna   together.

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